Men’s Hockey Squads

Five fantastic Men's hockey teams

The Club started out with one Men’s team; it now has five, including a veteran’s team.

If you’re looking to play for a Men’s hockey team in Edinburgh, we welcome players of all abilities, from people picking up a hockey stick for the first time, as well as those with a higher skill level and experience. New members are welcome to join at any stage throughout the season.

For more information please contact us

Men's hockey training in Edinburgh

Training has started for season 24/25. Please Contact us for more information.

Tuesday for all mens squads, and Thursday for Mens 1s & 2s

7:15pm to 9:00pm

Our Inverleith Playing Fields pitch (accessed from East Fettes Avenue) in Edinburgh, adn is generally used for mens 1s & 2s training, and club matches

Our first team represent the peak of ESM mens section hockey, with an ever increasing push towards high performance hockey. They will play in the Premier League, in the upcoming 2024/25 season for an impressive 3rd year in a row!

Our second team will play in the Regional League in 24/25.  This team loves playing great hockey but is also notably welcoming and sociable – some of its members having played together for years. A sprinkling of promising youth players set a fast pace on the pitch – and are warmly supported by the wisdom of their team mates.

Our third team plays in East District Division 2. 

Our mens fourth team, formerly a development team – a great mix of experienced players and skilled youngsters that provides an ideal bridge from the Youth Section to the Men’s squads.

Our Veteran’s team is open to all those aged 35+ (though younger players often play too!). They play once a month at Goldenacre from September to May and take part in the Vets’ end of season tournament too. The games are competitive, yet always enjoyable. ESM Vets are a friendly bunch and new players are always warmly welcomed. For more information, please get in touch.

ESM Hockey Club Vet's team, playing in Edinburgh
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